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Jerry Seinfeld Heckled On Stage: ‘Jew-Haters Spice Up the Show’

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Jerry Seinfeld

During Jerry Seinfeld’s most recent stand-up performance, anti-Israel protesters disrupted the show. In Virginia, during Seinfeld’s performance, a protester supporting Palestine stood up and hurled insults at the “Seinfeld” creator, accusing him of being a “genocide supporter.”


The protester shouted, “Save the children of Gaza! No more American tax dollars for genocide!” The crowd promptly started jeering at the disruptor and urged him to “shut up and get out.”


The demonstrator continued to yell at the audience, “You should be ashamed of yourself! You should all be ashamed of yourselves!” Seinfeld was overheard remarking, “This is fun. I like this. I think your message is really resonating with the crowd. People seem to be on your side.”

How dare you

“How dare you support a genocide!” the protester responded. “I like it when the Jew-haters spice up the show,” Seinfeld joked.

Security intervened

Footage from the event captured a spectator initiating a physical altercation with the protester, eventually putting him in a headlock. Security intervened and later removed the protester from the venue.


As the protester exited, the audience could be heard chanting “Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!”

Eight protesters

According to TMZ, approximately eight protesters were present during the event and were all escorted out by security. Witnesses mentioned that Seinfeld advised the audience not to boo and expressed support for the right to protest.


Following the event, the producer of the show, SevenVenues, released a statement saying, “We are deeply disappointed that a group of protestors disrupted tonight’s sold-out Jerry Seinfeld performance at Chrysler Hall.”

Commencement speech

Seinfeld encountered protesting hecklers once again during his commencement speech at Duke University earlier this month.

Students shouting

Footage from the event captured a small group of students shouting “Free Palestine” and numerous individuals walking out as he was being introduced.


Nevertheless, some students could be heard cheering “Jerry! Jerry! Jerry” as Seinfeld received his honorary degree.


Seinfeld has received criticism from the public for openly backing Israel during its conflict with Gaza following the October 7 attack. Just two days after the incident, he posted an “I Stand With Israel” message on his Instagram account.

Jewish homeland

“I lived and worked on a Kibbutz in Israel when I was 16 and I have loved our Jewish homeland ever since,” he wrote in a caption.

Strong people

“My heart is breaking from these attacks and atrocities. But we are also a very strong people in our hearts and minds.”


“SevenVenues stands by its policy to remove hecklers and those who disrupt a performance, and will continue to protect the freedom of its patrons to enjoy an artist of their choosing without disruption.”

1 Comment

1 Comment


    May 22, 2024 at 3:01 pm

    Again, the hecklers ignore the murders of innocent children and rapes of innocent women whose only “crime” was to be Jewish. The proof of these crimes is in the internet movies created by the Hamas animals themselves. How anyone ever supports these bigots and racists is beyond comprehension. I am not Jewish but I support Israel in this war.

    Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!

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