Former Trump communications director Anthony Scaramucci appeared on CNN and said that while Biden’s legislative agenda has helped workers more than Trump, the elections are popularity contests, not hiring decisions.
He noted Trump appeared on Dr. Phil for a “therapy session” but was really sending double messages – saying he doesn’t want revenge while also telling friends he wants to use the FBI like the Gestapo to seek retribution.
Scaramucci warned they need to hold Trump accountable for such statements if Biden is to win re-election.
Scaramucci said, “The Biden messaging is fantastic. The Biden legislative agenda has work. He’s done more for working class people, then Donald Trump did 2017 to 2021 but you’ve got an issue there.”
He added, “Unfortunately in our society now, these elections are popularity contests and not hiring decisions. And so they have to come up with a strategy to expand the net of the Biden Independants.”
Scaramucci added, “Dr. Phil is a great guy. I don’t know what he charged for that therapy session with Donald Trump, but it was a therapy session. And laced underneath all of that a double entendre because Donald Trump will say two things at once and then his adversaries will pick up on one thing. And the people that are supporting and we’ll pick up on another.”
“So he’s saying he doesn’t want revenge, revenge is success, and the other side of his mouth, he’s letting people know, ‘Hey, I can’t wait to get this job because I’m going to seek retribution through the justice system.’ He’s also told friends of mine that have defended him in court, defense attorneys, that he wants to use the FBI as the Gestapo. He probably doesn’t know what that means, but he has said that. S we have to hold them accountable for those things. If we do all of that, President Biden will win reelection.”