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Calls Grow For FBI To Launch Criminal Investigation Into Newsom

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Governor Gavin Newsom

Calls are growing for an investigation into California Governor Gavin Newsom over legislation that benefited one of his top donors.

Minimum wage law

A report said Newsom claimed for an exemption in a new $20 minimum wage law for fast food workers that applied to Panera Bread, owned by billionaire Greg Flynn. Newsom later argued that Panera was not excluded.

Political firestorm

CNN reported that at least one “California Panera franchisee will raise minimum wage to $20 after political firestorm over minimum wage carveout.” Flynn has donated over $150k to Newsom and their connections were noted.

Crooked deal

As the largest franchisee in the US, Flynn only owns Applebee’s and Panera Bread in California, with Applebee’s already exempt. Republicans said this “crooked deal” between the governor and major donor needs probing.

James Gallagher

“Can any franchisee get an exemption from the $20 minimum wage law or do they need to donate more than $150k to Newsom first? This crooked deal needs to be investigated,” California Assembly Republican Leader James Gallagher said.


An ethics expert said Newsom must explain why only Panera received the exemption, otherwise most will see it as a big donor favor.


“It’s the governor’s obligation to explain why Panera (should benefit) from this. Absent that explanation, most voters are going to assume he did a big favor for a big donor,” political science professor Dan Schnur said.

FBI investigation

A GOP assemblyman called for a criminal FBI investigation, not trusting the Democrat-led state to investigate itself.

Turbulent times

From battling the COVID-19 pandemic to addressing homelessness and climate change, Newsom’s tenure has been defined by both progress and controversy, as he seeks to lead California through turbulent times.

Public service

A native of San Francisco, Gavin Newsom’s journey to the governor’s office is rooted in a deep commitment to public service and progressive ideals. His early career in politics saw him serve as mayor of San Francisco, where he gained recognition for his efforts to combat homelessness, expand healthcare access, and promote environmental sustainability.

40th Governor

In 2018, Newsom was elected as the 40th Governor of California, assuming office with a bold vision for the state’s future. His agenda encompassed a wide range of priorities, including healthcare reform, education funding, criminal justice reform, and economic development.


However, his time in office has been marked by a series of challenges, including the devastating impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Lockdown measures

As the COVID-19 crisis unfolded, Governor Newsom faced the monumental task of leading California through one of the most challenging periods in its history. He implemented strict lockdown measures to slow the spread of the virus, while also mobilizing resources to support healthcare workers, expand testing and vaccination efforts, and provide economic relief to struggling families and businesses.


While Newsom’s decisive actions were applauded by many, they also sparked backlash from some quarters, with critics accusing him of overreach and mismanagement. In 2021, Newsom faced a recall election driven by frustrations over his handling of the pandemic, as well as other issues such as homelessness, wildfires, and rising crime rates.

Recall election

However, Newsom ultimately prevailed in the recall election, with voters rejecting the effort to remove him from office by a wide margin. The outcome was seen as a validation of Newsom’s leadership and a testament to the resilience of California’s progressive values.

Climate policies

He has championed ambitious climate policies aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and transitioning to renewable energy sources, while also investing in infrastructure and disaster preparedness measures to mitigate the impacts of climate change.

Governing California

As Governor Gavin Newsom continues to navigate the complexities of governing California, his leadership will be put to the test once again.

Issues facing California

Beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, Governor Newsom has also grappled with other pressing issues facing California, including wildfires, drought, housing affordability, and income inequality.

Justice and equity

In the realm of social justice and equity, Newsom has pursued criminal justice reform initiatives aimed at reducing incarceration rates and addressing systemic racism within the criminal justice system. He has also advocated for LGBTQ rights, immigrant rights, and women’s rights, positioning California as a beacon of progressive values in an increasingly polarized political landscape.

Economic recovery

With challenges ranging from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic to the broader issues of economic recovery, social justice, and environmental sustainability, Newsom’s ability to effectively address these challenges will shape the future trajectory of the Golden State.

Controversies and criticisms

Despite the controversies and criticisms that have accompanied his tenure, Governor Newsom remains committed to advancing a progressive agenda and building a brighter future for all Californians.

Destiny of California

As he confronts the daunting challenges ahead, Newsom’s leadership will be crucial in shaping the destiny of California and inspiring other states to follow suit in pursuit of a more just, equitable, and sustainable future.

1 Comment

1 Comment


    May 21, 2024 at 1:16 pm

    Who wrote this pack of lies and misinformation? The Newsom campaign? This is why you can’t trust the media to tell you the truth. SHAMEFUL

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