Political strategist James Carville assessed that former President Trump would be very weak in a general election based on his primary performance so far.
When asked about Trump’s victories but lackluster support from some primary voters, Carville argued Trump should have concern given Eugene McCarthy forcing LBJ out after a similar New Hampshire result.
“We have Michigan on Tuesday, Trump won there and a lot of primary voters didn’t choose him,” Ari Melber said.
He added, “These are certainly victories and they’re certain mathematically on the road to clinching the nomination if they continue, but I wonder, James, does he have any concern if the third active primary voters aren’t sold on Trump right now?”
Carville said Trump’s primary numbers are weak and fundraising numbers even weaker, giving Democrats an advantage they may not fully appreciate.
He also noted dissatisfaction with Trump among a sizable Republican portion and that 30% opposition within one’s own party is significant, representing a lot of votes Trump is not securing.
“How could you not have concern? Eugene McCarthy got 38% or something like that in New Hampshire and Lyndon Johnson had to leave. Of course he is very weak. That’s something people have to understand, his primary numbers are weak and his fund-raising numbers are even weaker. The Democrats have such an advantage right now and they don’t appreciate it,” Carville said.
He added, “They all are in angst about the Supreme Court which I could have told them that was what they were going to do. We’re in a very commanding position in terms of fund raising and also in terms of dissatisfaction with Trump among a significant part of the Republican Party.”
“30% is, I don’t know, that ain’t chopped liver. That’s a lot of votes and your own party and what they’re not getting.”