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‘The View’ Host: Trump’s Bloodbath Comments ‘Is the Memory of January 6’

via ABC
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CNN commentator Ana Navarro asserted that former President Trump’s “bloodbath” comment should be viewed in the context of the January 6th Capitol riot and Trump’s history of inflammatory rhetoric.

Navarro argued the context is Trump spending four years creating a troubling atmosphere and regularly saying horrible things that reminded Americans who he is.

Navarro said, “So, what is context, right? I think that what people are reacting to, including me, when I hear him talk about bloodbath, and say that will be the least of it, the context I look at it in is the context of Donald Trump and Donald Trump’s history, and the four plus years that he has spent saying horrible things and creating this ambiance that we all lived under.”

Specifically, she said the context of Trump talking about a bloodbath is the memory of his words and actions leading to January 6th, as well as his references to “American carnage” and promises to be the source of retribution.

“There was an article a few weeks ago that asked does America have amnesia when it comes to Donald Trump?’ And Donald Trump on the trail is reminding us every day of who he is, and what he will wreak on America,” she said.

Navarro concluded that when people hear Trump say bloodbath, the appropriate context is that of the Trump Americans know from his presidency and rhetoric on the campaign trail.

She said, “So, what is the context? The context of him talking about bloodbath is the memory of January 6 and what his words and actions set forth then. It’s the context of him talking about American carnage. It’s the talking, the context of him telling us over and over again that he will be the retribution. So when you hear him say bloodbath, that’s the context you put it in, the context of the Donald Trump we know.”

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