House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan claimed that Hunter Biden’s recent statement sheds new light on the House’s investigation into President Joe Biden and his son.
Hunter clarified that his father was not “financially” involved in his business dealings.
Jordan highlighted the difference between “no involvement” and “no financial involvement,” emphasizing its importance. (Trending: Kid Rock Rages Against ‘Woke’ Target)
“Again, remember the pattern,” began Rep. Jordan. “Initially, Joe Biden said, ‘I had no involvement whatsoever, none at all, with my son’s business.’ This summer, when we deposed Devon Archer, one of Hunter Biden’s business partners, the story changed: ‘Well, there were dinners, there were meetings, there were phone calls, but we just talked about the weather. There was no business talk.’ Now it’s to say ‘he wasn’t involved financially.’”
Hunter Biden said, “They belittled my recovery, and they have tried to dehumanize me, all to embarrass my father, who has devoted his entire life to public service,” the president’s son said. “For six years, I have been a target of the unrelenting Trump attack team. ‘Where’s Hunter?’ Well, here’s my answer. I am here,” during his hearing.
Adding, “my father was not financially involved in my business.”
“No evidence to support that my father was financially involved in my business because it did not happen,” claimed Hunter Biden.
Hunter refused to comply with a subpoena issued by the House Oversight Committee and offered to testify publicly instead.
Republicans claim to have seen direct evidence of Joe Biden’s connections to Hunter’s deals, and they are prepared to go to court to enforce the subpoena.
Rep. Comer said earlier this week, “Hunter Biden has received special treatment his entire life.”
“Every government agency that should have caught the crimes the Bidens have been committing for years was told to stand down,” he continued.
Adding, “And they think they can bully the Oversight Committee and set the rules. And that’s not going to happen.
“We’re going to treat this investigation like every congressional investigation in recent memory has been treated: you come in for a deposition, then you do the public hearing. All of our depositions are transparent. We released the transcripts,” said the committee chair.
“He is the key witness to all of the Biden crimes. So the subpoena called for him to show up in this office on Dec. 13 for a deposition. I expect to see Hunter Biden in this office for a deposition,” declared Comer.
“I suspect that the House of Representatives will formally vote to formalize the impeachment inquiry. This is the same process that (former Speaker Nancy) Pelosi took during her impeachment,” explained Rep. Comer.”
“And they’re not going to be able to have a leg to stand on in court if they try to defy our subpoenas,” he concluded.
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