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Kathy Griffin Says She ‘Meows Like A Cat’ To Cope With Trump-Related PTSD

via ABC
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Comedian Kathy Griffin discussed her coping mechanisms for PTSD, which she attributes to a lung cancer diagnosis and the aftermath of a controversial photo involving Trump.

She uses animal noises during yoga and sees her experiences as relatable to others due to the trauma of the Trump era and the COVID-19 pandemic.

“It’s when I get on all fours like a kitty cat and then I arch my back and I am instructed by my teacher to say the word meow. I feel like a f—— fool, but I do it,” she said. (Trending: US Troops Deliver Devastating Blow to Biden)

“And then I un-arch my back and — wait for it — I ‘moo’ like a cow,” she added.

“PTSD is a b—-, and when I get PTSD attacks, I can’t stop vomiting. So if I have to meow like a kitty cat and moo like a cow, I’m gonna f—— do it.”

“This show is gonna be more personal because I’ve been through so much crazy stuff really in front of anybody who was paying attention. I actually do have PTSD, and I’m laughing because I thought that was only for combat veterans,” she said.

Griffin also mentioned a DOJ investigation and Trump’s response as contributing to her PTSD.

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