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Poll Delivers Bad News to DeSantis

via NBC
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Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has slipped to fourth place in New Hampshire’s presidential primary, according to an Emerson College survey.

The poll shows former President Donald Trump leading with 49% support, while Nikki Haley has surged to second place with 18% support.

“While Trump leads across all age groups, Haley gets 21% of the vote from voters over 40 while getting about 8% from voters under 40,” Executive Director of Emerson College Polling Spencer Kimball said. (Trending: Jury Reaches Verdict In Paul Pelosi Hammer Case)

DeSantis also fell behind Chris Christie, garnering seven percent support.

Despite this, 22% chose DeSantis as their second choice. The survey comes as tensions rise among candidates, with accusations flying between DeSantis and Haley regarding their records on China.

“No amount of money will be enough for Nikki Haley to conceal her pro-China, pro-Gaza aid, pro-gas tax, and pro-Hillary record,
DeSantis campaign director Andrew Romeo stated.

“As Americans look behind the curtain, they will see she does not have the extensive record of conservative achievements that Ron DeSantis boasts,” he added.

The RealClearPolitics average shows Trump dominating in several states, with DeSantis tying for third place in New Hampshire and falling to third place in South Carolina.

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