An NBC News poll highlighted erosion in public confidence in President Biden’s performance on several critical issues compared to former President Trump, according to analysis from NBC political correspondent Steve Kornacki.
The poll showed Trump leading Biden on handling a crisis, strong record as president, competence and effectiveness, dealing with inflation and cost of living, and mental and physical health.
Kornacki noted these findings are troubling for Biden given he had led Trump on competency and crisis issues in 2020.
— Handling a crisis: Trump +4
— Strong record as president: Trump +7
— Competent and effective: Trump +9
— Necessary mental and physical health: Trump +19
— Dealing with inflation and cost of living: Trump +22
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) April 21, 2024
“You’ve got to mention this one, too. ‘Necessary mental and physical health.’ We asked this four years ago, it was a wash. It’s now a clear liability for Joe Biden. So these are all troubling numbers for Biden, but it’s not to say there aren’t warning signs for Donald Trump in this poll either,” Kornacki said.
While Biden was ahead of Trump on abortion and uniting the country, a large share of voters felt neither candidate was better on those issues.
Adding a third candidate, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., to the options put Biden ahead at 39% to Trump’s 37%, with Kennedy receiving 13% support drawn more from Trump voters than Biden voters.
“Joe Biden, 39%; Donald Trump, 37%. There’s Kennedy getting 13%. In other words, we’re seeing by a better than 2:1 margin, it’s Trump voters who are flipping over to Kennedy in this scenario, not Biden voters,” he said.