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Sharpton Criticizes Trump’s Bible Ad as ‘Insulting’ to Believers

via NBC News
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MSNBC hosts Al Sharpton and Joy Reid criticized Donald Trump for advertising “God Bless the USA Bibles” as insensitive and insulting.

Sharpton, a lifelong preacher, said Trump is not religious and this was done as a marketing ploy during Holy Week, when Christians commemorate Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection.

MSNBC’s Joy Reid said, “Talk to me about Trump. Trump is not a Christian. I mean, he’s not a religious man at all. You know him, he was not religious.”

Sharpton felt it was offensive for Trump to claim endorsement of the Bible for profit, when the money goes to him rather than charitable causes.

Sharpton said, “I have never heard him even discuss religion, less be accused of attending religious gatherings, which is why it is so insulting to me, as one who grew up in the church and have been a preacher since I was a boy, for him to not only come with selling Bibles during Holy Week — I mean, this is the week that we who believe in Christ, the real Christ, deal with the crucifixion today of Jesus, good Friday. And Sunday, the resurrection — for him to use that as a marketing tool, where the money goes to Donald Trump, not to a cause, not to help the poor, not even to his campaign. To him. Which means he’s really doing this to pay off lawyers, to get out of the porn star situation, defrauding bank situation.”

Sharpton argued that portraying the Bible as endorsed by Trump misunderstands those who view it as the sacred word of God, which needs no human endorsement.

Reid agreed Trump is not a religious person, highlighting Sharpton felt the ad disrespected believers.

Sharpton said, “To do this shows somebody who is not only not religious but is totally insensitive to those who are. To take the Bible and say that this is the only Bible endorsed by Donald Trump — if you believed it was the sacred word of God, who are you or I to endorse the word of God?”

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