Elon Musk predicted a “red wave” in the 2022 midterms, responding to a viral video of a NY woman complaining about illegal immigration negatively impacting her neighborhood under Democratic policies.
She said illegal immigrants were dangerous and Democratic policies tied police hands.
“There is either a red wave this November or America is doomed. Imagine four more years of this getting worse,” Musk wrote.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act pic.twitter.com/X7otiIotbN
— Ana Mostarac (@anammostarac) March 16, 2024
When Trump ran in 2015 on curbing illegal immigration, it was a cornerstone issue and he fulfilled promises, reducing illegal crossings.
However, Biden reversed Trump policies on his first day, and Republicans say this created the border crisis, with over 8 million crossings in 3 years.
A Gallup poll found immigration is now the top concern for Americans, surpassing the economy, with a record 55% saying illegal immigration threatens national interests.
“Significantly more Americans name immigration as the most important problem facing the U.S. (28%) than did a month ago (20%). Immigration has now passed the government as the most often cited problem, after the two issues tied for the top position the past two months. The government ranked first each month from January through November 2023,” Gallup noted.
Musk implied failure to address illegal immigration through stronger policies could doom America.
“In the latest poll, 20% of Americans name the government as the most important problem, followed by the economy (12%) and inflation (11%). Immigration is the only issue that has shown meaningful change in the past month,” Gallup noted.
“While many Americans regard the economy, generally, or inflation, specifically, as the most important problem facing the U.S., far more name immigration. Immigration now sits alone at the top of the most important problem list, something it has done only occasionally in Gallup’s trend and not since 2019,” Gallup added. “Although their economic assessments have improved, Americans remain largely dissatisfied with the state of the nation and the job federal leaders are doing.”
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