Representative Adam Schiff warned that the Supreme Court risks further discrediting itself if it does not swiftly reject Donald Trump’s claim of immunity from prosecution for alleged criminal acts while president.
Schiff expressed concern over delays impacting Trump’s multiple legal cases, including the federal election interference case, saying it could push any trial past the 2024 election.
“The Supreme Court moved with great speed when it came to ruling that Trump could appear on the ballot. The question is, will it also move with great speed in rejecting this bogus immunity claim?” Schiff asked.
Adam Schiff warns that the Supreme Court will further discredit itself if they foot drag on Trump's bogus immunity claim.
— Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) March 17, 2024
He added, “If it doesn’t, it’s making a deliberate decision essentially to push the trial past the election. And I think that would be a terrible decision, both for the interest of justice. It would be a terrible decision in depriving American voters of the information they would learn during the course of that trial, but it would also just further discredit this partisan and reactionary court.”
Specifically, Schiff argued the Court moved quickly to allow Trump on ballots but must also move quickly to reject his “bogus immunity claim.”
If the Court does not, Schiff stated it would effectively be a deliberate decision to deprive voters of information that could come out during a trial prior to the election.
Schiff maintained delays are Trump’s tactic to prolong cases and hopes courts do not enable this strategy.
“There is a chance that he could evade justice by delaying justice,” Schiff said.
“This is a tried-and-true tactic of Trump throughout his career. And I hope that the courts are aware of exactly what he’s doing and his incentive in trying to prolong this, and I hope they won’t go along with that strategy.”
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