Pennsylvania college professor Zack De Piero sued his employer over critical race theory trainings he alleged were anti-White, and an Obama-appointed judge ruled in his favor.
The judge stated that discussing the “influence of racism on our society does not violate federal law” but that the type of CRT training used at Penn State Abington was concerning.
The professor was told to attend “antiracist” workshops “until you get it” and was warned that dissenting from Penn State’s race-based dogma would result in disciplinary action.
“There’s a constant ticker tape, like a newsreel. I see, I hear that disgusting evil phrase. ‘White teachers are a problem,'” De Piero said. “I wish I could get it out of my head, but I can’t.”
“I still wake up with this stuff. I still go to bed with this stuff. It still bothers me. It’s changed me in a lot of ways. You often hear that hardship leads to greater character. While that might be true, it certainly comes at a cost,” he said.
Discussing the “influence of racism on our society does not violate federal law,” Judge Wendy Beetlestone said.
“Training on concepts such as… critical race theory can contribute positively… to form a healthy and inclusive working environment,” she added. “But the way these conversations are carried out in the workplace matters: When employers talk about race — any race — with a constant drumbeat of essentialist, deterministic, and negative language, they risk liability under federal law.”
When De Piero showed concern regarding “the continuous stream of racial insult directed at White faculty,” he was notified that “There is a problem with the White race.” An administrator the encouraged him to attend “antiracist” workshops “until you get it.”
“I see this as an ideological mob that is hostile to free speech, civil discourse, true debate, empirical data,” De Piero said.
“De Piero and other faculty were thus singled out, caused to experience discomfort, and feel ‘the pain’ on the basis of their skin color,” the lawsuit stated.
“Penn State actively treated De Piero as the problem, suggesting mental health treatment and disciplining him for bullying when he dared to complain. As a result, De Piero’s only option to escape the hostile environment was to leave Penn State. This constructive termination occurred on August 2, 2022,” the lawsuit said.
De Piero ultimately left his position.
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