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High School Sports Team Cancels Event Over Trans Player

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A California Islamic high school canceled a girls’ basketball game against another school due to the transgender status of a player on the opposing team.

Witnesses reported that the transgender player displayed physical advantages over the girls, leading to concerns about safety and fairness.

An advocacy group, Women Are Real, likely influenced the cancellation by informing the Islamic school about the transgender player. (Trending: Fox News Star Accused Of Major Scandal)

“The boy had an obvious advantage,” Women Are Real representative Julie Lane said. “[The girls] didn’t necessarily run their offense through him, probably because they didn’t want to be targeted. But he got most rebounds and was able to jump much higher than the girls.”

“I caught one scramble for the ball with another player, and my heart stopped. She was more than a foot shorter than him and could have been seriously injured,” she said.

The school has not issued an official statement, but the advocacy group believes the cancellation was due to the discomfort of Averroes’s girls in playing against a transgender girl.

“As the school hasn’t made an official statement, we can’t say for sure why the game was canceled. However, none of the multiple reasons we have heard from various sources make sense,” Women Are Real spokesperson Jean Berns stated.

“We heard from the school director that there were not enough athletes to field a team, yet they played a game two days later with more than enough players. We heard from others that the coach was ill, yet he was able to coach the boys’ team the same evening of the cancellation.”

“All this mystery and secrecy leads me to believe that the true reason for the cancellation most likely involves the male athlete.”

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