Barack Obama’s close allies express increasing concern about the 2024 election, fearing a potential return to power by Donald Trump.
They emphasized the need for emotional appeal in Biden’s campaign and highlighted Obama’s role as a strategic advisor and generational bridge for the Democratic Party.
While some downplay the reported panic, there is a prevailing sense of dread about Biden’s chances. (Trending: Joe Biden Sets New Presidential Record)
Barack Obama Sounds the Alarms About the Struggling Biden Campaign
— AnalyzingAmerica (@AnalyzAmerica) January 9, 2024
Former Attorney General Eric Holder said there may be “incalculable damage” to the U.S. if Trump is victorious.
When questioned whether Obama felt the same, Holder said, “Absolutely. I don’t think it’s a question about that.”
“I think that’s what motivates him. I think that’s what will continue to motivate him,” Holder said.
“I’m convinced more than ever before, that we have to save the American democracy through our actions, and that we cannot allow Trump to be dictator for one minute, much less one day, one week and give him four years,” South Carolina Democrat Anton Gunn said.
“This is certainly the campaign that President Biden is going to have to ultimately make decisions about,” Holder said.
“President Obama is going to do everything he can to help in that regard, and that means campaigning, but it also means sharing strategic advice with (Biden),” he added. “And who better than President Obama to be a primary advisor to the campaign?”
Michelle Obama on 2024:
“What’s going to happen in this next election. I am terrified about what could possibly happen.”
— AnalyzingAmerica (@AnalyzAmerica) January 10, 2024
The campaign’s struggle to engage voters, particularly African Americans, and the need for emotional resonance are also highlighted.
Despite these concerns, the Biden campaign and other Obama alumni are pushing back, emphasizing early and aggressive investment in engaging communities of color.
“What keeps me up is that if we only make the rational, thoughtful and deliberate argument of why Biden is better, and don’t recognize that there needs to be an emotional current through this campaign,” Gunn said.
“The same way Obama had an emotional currency, the same way Trump had an emotional currency when he won in 2016, there’s a big fear that this could all go south because people vote emotionally. They don’t vote rationally.”
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