Religious leader Father Daniel Reehil warns that Taylor Swift concerts may be attracting demonic activity due to elements of witchcraft incorporated into her performances.
Reehil advises impressionable young girls to steer clear of her concerts, as they could be putting themselves in a dangerous position.
He also suggests that those who attend are at risk of being attacked by demonic forces. (Trending: Chilling Surveillance Program Under Biden Exposed)
“The problem with the concert is that whether Taylor knew she was trying to imitate witches or in fact was doing some kind of a cult ceremony during the show is sort of irrelevant to the demons,” he said.
“The demons will take deep note of what she’s doing and how she’s doing it and who she’s influencing,” he added.
“So when they imitate these rituals with these orbs and these black capes, that looks like something you’d find in the woods.
Never beating the sorcery allegations ✨🛬✨
— Taylor Swift (@taylorswift13) November 13, 2023
Despite Swift’s attempts to make light of sorcery allegations, the religious leader urges people to skip her concerts.
“Even if her intent was not to practice any witchcraft or do any of the incantations, she is probably attracting a lot of demons to her concerts,” he said.
“So, not saying that’s going to happen to everybody, but you’re definitely putting yourself in a very dangerous situation if you’re going to a concert where there’s somebody who’s imitating or even practicing the art of witchcraft.”
“I would say don’t do it,” he said. “Skip the concert.”
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