Country singer Tennessee Jet faced backlash after a venue canceled his show due to his song “2+2,” which criticizes the medical industry’s encouragement of gender-affirming surgeries for minors.
The singer expressed his refusal to be silenced, stating that he won’t apologize for his views and that his song aims to protect vulnerable children.
Tennessee Jet’s stance reflects his belief in compassion and protection for minors, while respecting adults’ choices.
“I wear this as a badge of honor and wanna thank the Mercury Lounge for encouraging me to continue to speak the truth in my songs and share my views at a time when so many artists cower to the radical woke,” the artist said.
“In ‘2+2’ I take aim at the medical industry that encourages and profits off of so-called ‘gender affirming care’ surgeries for MINORS,” he wrote.
“I believe kids struggling with their identity are being taken advantage of emotionally and spiritually for the sake of profit under the guise of sympathy and compassion.”
“What these kids go through is heartbreaking and I feel the last thing we as a society should do when a kid is at their most impressionable and vulnerable is to allow them to permanently alter their bodies and damage their long-term health,” the singer added.
“I believe to truly be on their side in such a volatile time is to protect them from themselves and their fragile mental state,” he went on.
“Once that child is an adult I believe it’s none of anyone’s business how they choose to live their life and that ‘love your neighbor as yourself’ applies no matter what your neighbor’s sexual orientation.”
“I believe my position is the TRULY compassionate one on this issue,” he said.
“I won’t be bullied, I won’t be censored and I have nothing to apologize for.”
The cancellation highlights ongoing debates about cancel culture and freedom of expression in the music industry.