Serial entrepreneur Shawn Meaike grew up poor in subsidized housing with a single mother who held liberal political views.
However, noticing that successful people in his life like coaches held conservative views, he decided to distance himself from his family’s liberal beliefs, believing they were not conducive to financial success.
“I told my mom one day, I’m like, ‘Mom, I love you with all my heart, but all you’ve preached to me about is how I have to believe in being a Democrat,’ like, that’s how I was raised… and I said, ‘But if all of us in this complex and it’s subsidized housing are all Democrats, we’ve all been voting that way our entire lives. Why do we all still live here? What is the deal here?’” Meaike said.
He became a social worker but also acquired real estate holdings and businesses in insurance and waste management.
“I gotta go find other people,” he added. “I wasn’t trying to live broke. I wasn’t going to go out that way.”
“I love my mother and I love what she was doing. I love who she is, but I didn’t want to follow that path from a financial standpoint growing up, I didn’t want to. And all the men and women I saw that were successful, they didn’t have those beliefs,” Meaike said.
“I remember reading about Magic Johnson a long time ago when he was with the Lakers. He would call the people on the court and ask what they did for a living. I was like, ‘I ain’t Magic Johnson, but that sounds like that makes a lot of sense,’” he said. “I found people and I buried myself in learning.”
“I said, ‘All these business professors are not businessmen and women. Why should I listen to them?’ She said, ‘You shouldn’t,’ which I thought was great advice from her. And she said, ‘If that’s important to you, Shawn. Then you need to find a major where the people teaching you are actually in it,’” he said.
Meaike eventually became very wealthy, selling his companies for over $100 million.
Now living in Florida, he aims to mentor others to success through his podcast and company Punch Media.
“I enjoyed advocating for families, and, about six or seven years into my journey there, I was having a hard time maintaining my bills. We had a couple of kids, and I loved my job – didn’t love my income. So, I got a real estate license and started buying and selling real estate,” he said.
“I’d amassed a pretty good real estate portfolio, you know, started making some good money. And the leadership changed at my job at the state of Connecticut, and I didn’t like where they were going. I was never going to work in a place where I couldn’t protect children. It was policy over common sense, so I quit,” he said. “I actually got an insurance license as well.”
“Life is really good,” he said, adding that he was “self-taught.”
“When I say self-taught, it was, but it was self-taught by good mentorship. Like, I found good people,” Meaike said.
While grateful for his upbringing, Meaike credits embracing conservative economic philosophies with helping him achieve the American dream and build wealth from nothing.
“I don’t like to watch Biden talk. I’m uncomfortable. I’m embarrassed as an American, but I’m uncomfortable,” Meaike said.
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