South Dakota Democratic state senator Reynold Nesiba called for an inquiry into Republican governor Kristi Noem’s trip to Texas for dental work and a promotional video praising the dentists.
Noem posted a nearly 5-minute video to her personal account thanking Smile Texas dentists for giving her “a smile I can be proud of.”
“I just thought it was a very strange video about how much she enjoyed having her teeth done at that particular place,” Nesiba said.
She questioned whether Noem used state funds and if she received a discounted procedure for the video.
The promotion “just undermines the millions of dollars that we have invested in her as being a spokesperson for South Dakota,” Nesiba said.
South Dakota law bans gifts over $100 from lobbyists to officials.
“I think that this is America, and we all have a right to choose where we receive our care,” former state legislator Paul Miskimins said.
Noem’s video comes as South Dakota has spent $5 million on ads starring Noem portraying in-demand jobs like a dentist.
Nesiba said the dental video undermines the ad campaign funds.
“It just seems unusual for an elected official in office to make an infomercial like that,” emeritus political science professor Michael Card said.
Noem has faced past ethics questions over use of state planes and intervening in her daughter’s licensing.
The inquiry aims to determine if Noem violated gift laws or misused public resources for the dental trip and promotional video.
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