Kyle Rittenhouse criticized an ATF agent for failing to fieldstrip a Glock handgun during a TV appearance aimed at demonstrating how easy it is to build “ghost guns.”
In a video, Rittenhouse fieldstripped a Glock to show it was simple.
The ATF agent had tried and failed to take apart the Glock on Face the Nation to back Democrats’ claims, moving on to a second gun he could partially take down but not reassemble.
WATCH: Chris Bort—the acting chief of the ATF's Firearms Ammunition Technology Division—struggled at disassembling a Glock style handgun during a made-for-tv scaremongering interview with Steven Dettelbach, the director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms on CBS News.
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) March 4, 2024
When speaking to the reporter, the agent again tried and failed to strip the first Glock.
Rittenhouse used the incident to call for abolishing the ATF, seeing the agent’s inability as undermining the organization’s expertise on the issue.
The ATF is a joke. #AbolishTheATF
— Kyle Rittenhouse (@ThisIsKyleR) March 12, 2024
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