According to the White House physician, President Biden remains in good health overall based on his annual physical exam.
However, the 81-year-old is now being treated for sleep apnea and experiences other age-related conditions like arthritis.
While deemed “fit for duty”, concerns linger about Biden’s mental acuity, with recent polls finding less than a third believe he is mentally fit to serve and over two-thirds expressing doubts.
“Each of these specialists have independently reviewed the chart, examined the President, and concur with my findings and recommendations. I have also solicited feedback from my respected colleagues – the other physicians in the White House Medical Unit, who see the patient every day. Each of these doctors has reviewed my report for accuracy. My conclusions have been further informed through discussions with several of my fellow professors from the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences,” O’Connor stated.
O’Connor said that Biden was “fit for duty and fully executes all of his responsibilities without any exemptions or accommodations.”
He also described Biden as “healthy, active, and robust.”
The president has acknowledged his age but maintains he knows what he’s doing.
With questions mounting, Democrats may need to address voter worries about Biden’s mental fitness if hoping to secure his reelection in 2024.
“I am well-meaning. And I’m an elderly man. And I know what the hell I’m doing. I’ve been president – I put this country back on its feet. I don’t need his recommendation,” Biden said of the report.
“I may not run as fast as I used to,” he later admitted off-camera.
“I tell you what: I’ve been around long enough to know what’s going on,” he said to donors. “I’ve been around long enough to hopefully, with age, have a little bit of wisdom about how we can get things done.”
Several polls indicate this issue could impact the presidential race.