A group of Republican lawmakers introduced a bill called the “Defend Our Borders from Armed Invaders Act,” which would authorize the National Guard to use lethal force against armed individuals crossing the US-Mexico border.
The bill aims to address the escalating violence and crime at the border, including cartel activity and smuggling.
The Biden administration has taken steps to crack down on cartel smuggling, but the legislation reflects ongoing tensions between Texas and the federal government over border control.
“We’re seeing violent crime continually escalate at the border and flow into our communities, as President Biden’s policies have created an untenable national security crisis,” former Navy SEAL Luttrell said.
“This legislation is a step in the right direction to reign in this crime by providing the National Guard [with] the power to stop these armed individuals from crossing into the United States by any means necessary.”
The bill has garnered support from several Republican representatives.
“Biden’s] actions have caused an unprecedented invasion that we must defend against,” Gov. Greg Abbott said.
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