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Pope Clarifies LGBT Blessings Are Meant For Individuals, Not Unions

via ROME Reports
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Pope Francis defended a Vatican document on blessings for same-sex couples, clarifying that they are not an approval of a potentially sinful lifestyle, but rather a means for individuals seeking to get closer to God.

He emphasized that the blessings are intended to show the Church’s support for those seeking help in their faith journey, not to justify irregular relationships.

Francis stressed that such blessings should not be given in a liturgical context and should be delivered discreetly.

“When a couple comes forward spontaneously to ask for them, one does not bless the union, but simply the people who together have requested it. Not the union, but the persons,” Francis said.

Francis noted priests should “naturally take into account the context, the sensitivities, the places where one lives and the most appropriate ways to do it,” when giving blessings.

The clarification comes amidst widespread debate within the Church, particularly in regions like Africa, where the document has faced significant pushback.

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