A recent survey by the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty indicates that 74% of Americans believe parents should have the right to opt their children out of public school curriculum on gender and sexuality that conflicts with their religious beliefs or they deem inappropriate for their child’s age.
This represents a 4% increase from 2021.
Additionally, 80% disagreed with schools hiding information from parents about their child’s decision to adopt a new name, pronouns, or undergo a gender transition. (Trending: Trump Breaks Records In Iowa Caucus)
One third of respondents agreed that “public schools are responsible for shaping the next generation of citizens and should have final say on what children are taught in school.”
The survey results indicate a growing support for parental rights in education, contrasting with actions taken by some school districts.
“Americans are making clear that no one can replace parents when it comes to raising children. That’s a heartening sign for the direction of our nation and for every parent who wishes to pass on values and virtues to their children,” said Lori Windham, vice president and senior counsel at Becket.
“Our nation is better when we allow parents to parent their children, not the government,” she continued.
District guidance in Maryland recommends when a teacher is asked, “Can I keep my child home when students are learning about LGBTQ+ topics?,” the teacher should respond, “Parents always have the choice to keep their student(s) home while using these texts; however, it will not be an excused absence.”
This issue has become a focal point in the ongoing presidential election, with Republican candidates positioning themselves as strong advocates for parental rights in the classroom.
Director of Training Carla Pena, said, “It’s not always the case that caregivers are supportive of their child’s gender, their gender journey, in that case, if parents are not supportive or if the child is not out, that’s not necessarily someone who will be part of the gender support team.”
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