Several celebrities known for their animal rights advocacy have also been involved in promoting abortion.
This includes figures such as Miley Cyrus, Ellen DeGeneres, Natalie Portman, Chelsea Handler, P!nk, Lizzo, and Billie Eilish.
Despite their support for animal welfare, they have also been vocal in advocating for abortion rights and have collaborated with organizations such as Planned Parenthood. (Trending: Joe Biden Impeachment Formalized As Republicans Unite)
Miley Cyrus recently made an Instagram post featuring a cake reading “abortion is health care,” that drew the criticism of pro-lifers.
“So selfish! Killing people is healthcare?” asked a user.
“Maybe for you females but ripping hands and legs off an unborn baby isn’t really healthcare for a baby,” they continued.
Adding, “Start being responsible for other people.”
Cyrus wrote back, “don’t bust your nut in our c— without consent in violent manners and then we can produce life when we ——- want to.”
Ellen DeGeneres has advocated for endangered species, but diverges from a compassionate response when discussing unborn babies.
“I love animals, and I want to protect them, especially when they’re endangered,” said DeGeneres.
“We need these incredible creatures and they need our love and compassion to help save them,” she continued.
In 2019, DeGeneres wrote, “I stand with the women in Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, and everywhere, who have the right to decide what happens to their bodies, as we all do.”
“Throughout history, women haven’t been trusted. Not to vote, or to decide who they marry, and now to make their own decisions about their bodies,” she tweeted. “[W]e will not let this stand, that we will be heard, and we will get the rights we deserve,” she added.
Actress Natalie Portman has been an outspoken advocate for veganism and abortions.
“I’m one of many voices who care deeply about animals. It’s also about people. Because we all want to treat other living beings with the utmost kindness and respect,” declared the Oscar winner.
“I hope I can continue to be a voice and help spread the word — and also practice what I preach, to live a life in alignment with my ideals,” she continued.
Yet apparently she doesn’t want to treat all living beings with utmost kindness and respect, as she has been a notable abortion activist.
After the reversal of Roe v. Wade, Portman took to Instagram and wrote, “I would never have been able to have the education I had, the career I had, the emotional and spiritual and physical life I’ve enjoyed, or been able to mother the way I do, if it were not for my ability to choose when and how I wanted to have children.”
Insisting, “Abortion rights allow a person to define the course of their own life, and should not even be under the jurisdiction of the courts.”
“I am devastated. I am disgusted. And I am ready for the fight,” proclaimed Portman.
Singer Billie Eilish is an animal rights activist, but she reportedly advocated for abortions after the passing of the Texas Heartbeat Act.
“When they made that s— a law, I almost didn’t want to do this show, because I wanted to punish this ——- place for allowing that to happen here,” said Eilish.
“But then I remembered that it’s you guys that are the ——- victims, and you deserve everything in the world,” exclaimed the singer to a cheering audience.
Eillish reportedly made the speech in front of a banner that read, “Bans Off Our Bodies.”
“We need to tell them to shut the —- up!” order the Eilish, with the direction to hold up their middle fingers.
“My body, my ——- choice!” she chanted.
This has sparked controversy and criticism due to the perceived inconsistency in their advocacy efforts.
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