Mahmoud Abbas, the president of the Palestinian Authority, believes the U.S. has the power to order Israel to stop the war but has not done so, blaming the U.S. for fully supporting Israel.
He called for an international peace conference to establish a sovereign Palestinian state.
A temporary cease-fire between Israel and Hamas broke down, with President Biden blaming Hamas for the failure.
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Abbas expressed frustration with the U.S., stating that it does not force Israel to implement its support for a two-state solution.
“I am with peaceful resistance,” Abbas said.
“I am for negotiations based on an international peace conference and under international auspices that would lead to a solution that will be protected by world powers to establish a sovereign Palestinian state in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and East Jerusalem.”
“The United States tells us that it supports a two-state solution, that Israel is not allowed to occupy Gaza, to keep security control of Gaza or to expropriate land from Gaza,” he added
“America doesn’t force Israel to implement what it says.”
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