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US News

Donald Trump Gagged Again

via ABC News
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A New York appeals court has reinstated a gag order against former President Donald Trump, preventing him from talking about court staff involved in the State of New York’s civil case alleging business fraud against him and his eldest sons.

The order was reinstated after Trump had posted a screenshot of a Twitter post showing a law clerk next to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and made public statements about her.

The court officials argued that the gag order was necessary due to threats directed at the clerk after Trump’s social media posts. (Trending: Disgraced Democrat Sued For Sexual Assault)

“State court officials had argued the gag order was necessary because of the ‘deluge’ of threats directed at the clerk after Trump had blasted her on social media,” NBC News’s Asam Reiss and Dareh Gregorian stated.

Trump was fined a total of $15,000 for violating the order.

Additionally, Trump’s lawyers have also been gagged from publicly discussing confidential communications with staff.

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