Sam Haskell IV, son of a top Hollywood agent, has been arrested in Los Angeles after a woman’s torso was found near his home.
Surveillance footage shows him disposing of what appears to be part of her body.
Police believe the body belongs to his missing wife, Mei, and have arrested Haskell after finding evidence at his house. (Trending: Photos Released Of Cocaine Found In White House)
“The son of a top Hollywood agent who was arrested after a woman’s torso was found in a dumpster near his LA home was caught on camera disposing of what appears to have been part of her body in a California strip mall parking lot,” according to The New York Post.
“Surveillance footage obtained by TMZ shows Samuel Haskell IV parking his white Tesla next to a dumpster in Encino Tuesday afternoon before opening up the back and taking out what appears to be a large garbage bag,” continued the report.
“Haskell, 35, can be seen struggling to hoist the unwieldy bag up and onto his shoulder before tossing it,” claimed the New York Post.
He is being held on $2 million bail, and his three children have been turned over to the Department of Children and Family Services.
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