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US News

Biden Pushes Lawsuits Against Gun Makers

via CBS
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President Biden issued a statement expressing condolences for the victims of a shooting in Maine and urging residents to follow law enforcement’s instructions.

He then called on Republican lawmakers to work with him to pass gun control measures, including a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, universal background checks, safe storage requirements, and ending immunity for gun manufacturers.

Biden said, “Today, Jill and I are praying for the Americans who’ve lost their lives, for those still in critical care, and for the families, survivors, and community members enduring shock and grief.”

He continued, “I urge Republican lawmakers in Congress to fulfill their duty to protect the American people.’

“Work with us to pass a bill banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, to enact universal background checks, to require safe storage of guns, and end immunity from liability for gun manufacturers.”

However, a fact-check shows Biden’s claim that gun manufacturers have immunity from liability is false.

Gun manufacturers are protected from frivolous lawsuits related to the criminal use of legally made and sold guns.

Gun manufacturers are not shielded from liability. They are only protected from frivolous lawsuits over the criminal use of guns that are legally made and legally sold.

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