Chinese nationals are increasingly entering Guam illegally, which is concerning given the US military presence on the island.
In 2022 and 2023, over 100 Chinese nationals were caught attempting unlawful entry into Guam, which hosts a key US Navy base.
While authorities say most are coming for economic reasons, Republicans like Rep. Mark Green and Sen. Joni Ernst warn of potential security risks, as the Chinese Communist Party may exploit vulnerabilities.
“Count on the Chinese Communist Party to exploit every potential vulnerability on the map. What the CCP is doing in Guam is almost certainly no exception,” House Homeland Security Committee Rep. Mark Green said. “The United States maintains a significant military presence on the island, a vital outpost for helping America defend our strategic interests in the region.”
The “surging numbers of Chinese nationals coming into Guam” is a “major cause for concern, in part because we simply do not know for what purpose these individuals are coming,” Green said, adding, “It’s not just rising numbers of Chinese nationals illegally crossing our Southwest border that demands attention—what’s happening in Guam does, as well.”
“The one thing about all those individuals is that they are all vetted before they are admitted into Saipan,” Special Agent John Tobon said.
“Once they’re in Saipan, they may try to come over to Guam, but the overwhelming majority are really doing it for economic reasons,” Tobon added.
Ernst noted loopholes that could allow espionage, despite vetting of migrants entering via other islands first.
“The Chinese Communist Party has already proven they will stop at nothing to infiltrate and outpace the United States, and I’m working to close loopholes that allow any further espionage,” Ernst said. “We must put an end to Chinese nationals accessing our military installations on U.S. territories and conducting malign activity.”