President Joe Biden released a new campaign ad mocking Donald Trump for frequently golfing instead of campaigning.
The ad juxtaposes footage of Biden traveling around the country meeting with voters against clips of Trump golfing, as audio lists Biden’s legislative priorities versus Trump touting winning golf trophies at his own club.
This turns Trump’s extensive golfing against him, having previously claimed he wouldn’t golf much as Biden but instead spent over $150 million on nearly 300 rounds of golf over four years.
I’ll tell you this: There’s a difference between the two candidates in this election.
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) March 28, 2024
“I would rarely leave the White House because there’s so much work to be done,” Trump said in 2015.
The Biden team further turned Trump’s old insult of Biden “hiding in his basement” back around on Trump, saying Biden has visited every battleground state while Trump sits in his golf cart and hides in his basement.
“President Biden has been criss-crossing the country, visiting every major battleground state in just 18 days,” Biden’s team wrote. “Donald Trump is sitting in his golf cart and hiding in his basement.”