A recent Fox News poll found that a majority of voters feel financially worse off under President Biden, up 25 points since he took office in 2021.
52% now say they are worse off compared to 27% who felt that way in December 2021 under Trump.
While 22% felt better off under both presidents, the percentage who felt about the same financially dropped from 44% to 26%.
This suggests many shifted from feeling the same to worse off during Biden’s term.
Inflation has surged nearly 20% and gas prices 48% under Biden.
The polling is problematic for Biden given he trails Trump on key issues like the economy, inflation and crime in separate CNBC polling.
Biden’s overall approval also remains low at 41%, below the threshold typically needed for reelection.
The findings indicate growing pessimism among voters about their financial well-being after two years of Democratic control in Washington.
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