President Biden’s new Hoka sneakers sparked debate about his health, with some speculating they were chosen to prevent falls.
The shoes are designed for stability, support and comfort during walking or hiking. Biden has a history of stumbling and falls, including a recent near-miss on Air Force One stairs.
His doctors noted he has peripheral neuropathy in his feet, which causes nerve damage.
“Biden’s handlers are forcing him to wear a new pair of ‘lifestyle sneakers’ because he trips so much,” RNC Research wrote on X.
“The shoe bears the seal of approval from the American Podiatric Association for being beneficial to foot health,” the report stated.
The sneakers are approved by podiatrists and bear extra cushioning and support.
“Peripheral neuropathy refers to damage to nerves,” said Dr. Gabrelle Laurenti, a podiatrist. “Whether it’s from trauma or a disease, there’s some kind of damage to nerves.”
When asked, the White House said Biden uses the shoes for exercise, dismissing concerns about his mobility or health.
“I know y’all don’t care for presidents who exercise. But don’t worry – you’ll get used to it,” White House Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates said.
Critics saw the shoes as attempting to hide physical decline, while supporters said they were appropriate for Biden’s exercise routine and medical needs.
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