Sports commentator Stephen A. Smith criticized left-wing legal actions against former President Donald Trump, echoing concerns raised in a Wall Street Journal article.
Smith agreed with the piece, questioning the extent of lawsuits against Trump and the impact on the American system.
“Heninger questions how many lawsuits, court motions, and judgments against Donald Trump the Democratic Party can actually chow down on. He also ponders about the high price the American system may pay for all of this in excess,” Smith said. “Let me tell you something, it was a great opinion piece. I completely agree with Daniel Heninger of the Wall Street Journal, the opinion piece that he wrote in there, because we’ve got to get to a point where we’re saying when is enough, enough?”
Despite his usual criticism of Trump, Smith acknowledged a valid point made by Trump regarding legal tactics.
He highlighted the challenge for President Biden to distance himself from the legal actions against Trump and criticized the multiple lawsuits filed against him.
“I know you don’t hear me say that often, but it’s true. He made a very salient point a couple of weeks ago, or I think it was in the immediate aftermath of Super Tuesday when he was talking about President Biden and he was saying, you know, ‘come beat me,’” he said. “Stop trying to use the legal system in order to pull it off.”
“I find it very, very difficult to believe that everybody on the democratic side is innocent. I mean, when is enough, enough?” Smith asked.
Smith concluded that Trump’s resilience in the face of legal challenges has positioned him strongly within the GOP.
“Ladies and gentlemen, there’s so much to get into. I’m not going to do it. I’m going to simply say this. Trump is kicking the Democrats you know what,” Smith said. “91 charges. Four indictments, 91 counts against him. He’s been impeached twice. And he still ran away with the GOP nomination. It was a cakewalk.”
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