MSNBC anchor Rachel Maddow cut away from broadcasting former President Donald Trump’s Super Tuesday victory speech.
She explained it was irresponsible to air knowing lies and that fact-checking after the fact does not fix broadcasting misinformation.
“Yeah, ok. You know, it is, ok. I will say that it is a decision that we revisit constantly in terms of the balance between allowing somebody to knowingly lie on your air about things they’ve lied about before and you can predict they are going to lie about. And so, therefore, it is irresponsible to allow them to do that,” Maddow said.
While acknowledging the need to inform viewers about the likely Republican nominee, Maddow said repeatedly allowing lies sets a bad precedent.
“It’s a balance between knowing that that’s irresponsible to broadcast and also knowing that as the de facto – soon to be de facto nominee of the Republican Party – this is not only the man who is likely to be the Republican candidate for president, but this is the way he’s running.”
Co-host Stephanie Ruhle suggested fact-checking aggressively as airing, but Maddow noted this does not undo broadcasting misleading statements initially.
“Well, here’s how we balance it. Why don’t we fact-check the hell out of him?” co-host Stephanie Ruhle said.
Maddow said, “Yes, and we do that after the fact and that is the best remedy that we’ve got. It does not fix the fact that we broadcast it, honestly.”
The segment further discussed the challenges networks face in balancing transparency with avoiding the spread of misinformation from politicians.
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