Hillary Clinton acknowledged in a recent podcast that President Joe Biden is old at 81 years old, but argued he is still better than Donald Trump was.
She said voters should accept Biden’s age but that he has done an effective job and does not threaten democracy, unlike Trump who is also old and barely coherent.
“Somebody the other day said to me…’Well, but, you know, Joe Biden’s old.’ I said, ‘You know what, Joe Biden is old. Let’s go ahead and accept the reality. Joe Biden is old,’” Clinton said.
Biden has “done an effective job and doesn’t threaten our democracy.”
Clinton said the choice is between the two old candidates to save democracy.
When asked if concerns about Biden’s age were really about discomfort with Kamala Harris potentially becoming president, Clinton said she thinks it is more about Biden’s actual age, though some Americans may have difficulty with the idea of a woman, and woman of color who is the daughter of immigrants, becoming president.
Trump is also “old, barely makes sense when he talks, is dangerous, and threatens our democracy,” she said.
“So, really, pick between your two old ones and figure out how you’re going to save our democracy. Because no matter where you stand on the political spectrum, you want to maintain freedom, and the rule of law, and protection for people’s fundamental rights, or at least I used to think so,” she said.
“It’s a challenge for a number of Americans to think of a woman as being president, and then, if the woman is also a woman of color and the daughter of immigrants, you know, that might make it even more of a challenge,” Clinton said. “But I think it’s much more about the fact that Americans are kind of skittish about age.”
A recent poll showed 61% of Biden’s 2020 supporters now view him as too old to lead the country.
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