Former President Donald Trump said he is honored to be the GOP nominee for president for the third time.
While proud of his successful primary campaign which cleared the field early, Trump expressed concern that the US is in “deep trouble” with “lunatic” President Biden still in charge for seven more months.
“Number one, I’m honored to be the one representing the great Republican Party,” Trump said. “It’s very important. I thought I would be. I didn’t think it would be this fast. I thought we had some candidates who would be tougher than they were that didn’t do as well as some people thought they would.”
Trump recounted victories in early primary states and on Super Tuesday that knocked out competitors.
“When I was doing it at the very beginning I still had a 25-point lead, it wasn’t like it was very close, but it was possible that I was catchable, but it turned out we did very well,” Trump said. “I think we ran a very good campaign. We ran it on policy, we ran it on issues, and we ran it on other things too, including personality. I think the campaign has gotten really good marks. Even from people who normally wouldn’t say it, they’re saying this has been an unbelievable campaign thus far. We’re up to today. We still have a long way to go.”
He believes some early decisions like not debating and hitting Ron DeSantis paid off.
Looking to November, Trump sees defeating Biden and then correcting the country’s course as critical, arguing the US has never faced more challenges and that November 8 is the most important election day due to the damage already done under Biden.
“I might have done the debates—if it was even, if I got even, I would have done the debates,” Trump said. “When you’re leading by 40, when Ron came in—I’m amazed he would go in, because I got him elected. I hit him very hard early. By the time he formally announced, he was very much in trouble.”
“This country is in deep trouble,” Trump said. “We’ve never been in trouble like this. We’re in more trouble because [Vladimir] Putin doesn’t respect us. Ukraine never would have happened with Russia. Israel never would have been invaded. We wouldn’t have inflation, because it was all caused by energy. Day one it was caused by energy. I think we’re in massive trouble as a country. We have a little more than seven months until the election, and that sounds like a short time, but that’s an eternity for this lunatic to be running this country. If we don’t win… I think that November 5 is the most important day in the history of our country.”
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