In an interview after being named RNC co-chair, Lara Trump said election integrity would be her top priority given questions around the 2020 election.
She criticized Attorney General Garland’s stance against voter ID laws and support for expanding access, claiming it could allow illegal voting.
Attorney General Merrick Garland “wants to basically give access … to anyone whether they are legally able to vote or not,” Lara Trump said.
Lara Trump: To anyone out there who's thinking about cheating in an election, we will go after you, You will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
— Acyn (@Acyn) March 10, 2024
“That is a huge problem,” she said, noting that the RNC’s focus will be to “turn out the vote, protect the vote and raise money.”
Lara Trump said the RNC will monitor elections nationally and prosecute fraud.
Both she and host Maria Bartiromo argued Democrats want to import voters due to declining support and that’s the only reason not to have voter ID.
“But I would argue that maybe the most important of those three is protecting the vote; election integrity,” Trump said.
“We have to ensure that when people go vote, they feel like their vote counts, that they are inspired to go vote. We can never allow what happened in 2020, and the questions surrounding that election, to ever happen again,” she added.
“To anyone out there who is thinking about cheating in an election. We will go after you. You will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law,” she said.
“He said he’s going to vow to stop states that have voter IDs. And you have to question whether or not this is about the 10 million illegals who have come into this country on Joe Biden’s watch,” Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo said.
“I had a friend the other day tell me she was standing at a food truck. Two gentlemen approached her. One had tattoos all over his face. They looked like illegals,” she said.
“And one had a clipboard. And he said to her, ‘Hello, miss, do you want to sign up to become a Democrat and vote’? she said. So you’re talking about people that you want to hire. They’re already doing that. And they may be doing it with illegals coming into this country.”
Lara Trump vowed changes at the RNC to turn out votes, ballot harvest, and ensure only legal voters can vote.
She said Republicans must adapt to early and mail voting like Democrats.
“And I think you’re right. People say, ‘Why do we have a fully open southern border?’” Lara Trump said.
“And I think the only thing people can figure is that the Democrats are bleeding and hemorrhaging voters,” she said.
“They understand that they cannot fool people in this country any longer. So they have to import people. And the only reason that you wouldn’t want voter ID is if you want people who cannot vote to vote in these elections. It is insane,” she said.
“I can guarantee you, that over the next eight months, you’re going to see things happen at the Republican National Committee unlike you have ever seen before because this is a must-win election. If Donald Trump is not elected on Nov. 5th of this year, I do not believe we have the same country on the other side,” she said.
“If these people are able to use their communist tactics like they have to try and stop this one man; if they are able to continue to destroy this country, we’ll never get it back,” she said.
“It’s not too late. I think what we have to understand right now is that every tool in our war chest, we have to bring out because they are desperate, they are floundering. They are trying to sell a product to the American people in Joe Biden that they don’t want,” she said.
“Look at the polling between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. If the election were held today, Donald Trump would win handily, no problem, hands down,” she said.
“We have to ensure that over the next eight months, we get people out to early vote, we ballot harvest like nothing we’ve ever seen and we ensure that every person who is legally able to vote can do so and anyone who legally is not able to vote cannot do so,” she said.
“We’ve been playing checkers, and the Democrats have been playing chess,” Lara Trump said.
“Unfortunately, we don’t have one day of voting, we don’t have paper ballots, we don’t have voter ID everywhere. So we have to play the hand that we’re dealt,” she said. “That way, we have votes banked as we head into Election Day, and we’re not playing catch up on Nov. 5 with the Democrats.”
Michael Whatley was elected new RNC chair with backing from Donald Trump, pledging to get out the vote and protect ballots.
Lara Trump aims to prevent Democrats from “using communist tactics” and preserve the country.
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