Comedian Dana Carvey did an impression of President Biden on his podcast with David Spade, depicting Biden’s mannerisms and speech patterns from 2021 to the present day.
Carvey captured Biden’s squinting eyes, rambling speech style without clear sentences, and references to “c’mon” and “facts on paper.”
“I started with Biden, because the border’s all the rage now,” Carvey said.
“I did Biden, three years ago, and he’s at a press conference.”
He showed Biden dismissing the border crisis in 2021 and then declaring he would close the border harder than anyone in 2024.
“Mr. President, do you have any idea of how you’re going to handle the crisis at the border?” Carvey’s reporter said.
“First of all, let’s get our facts straight. There’s no crisis at the border. C’mon!” Carvey’s Biden said.
“How do you know, sir?” Carvey’s reporter said.
“’Cause it says so on the piece of paper. C’mon!” Carvey’s Biden said, rambling. “It says on the paper … says on the paper, right there!”
Now, “everyone’s screaming to close the border,” Carvey noted, beginning a modern day impression.
“I’ll close the border! I’ll close the border harder than anyone’s ever closed the border! I know how to close borders. C’mon on, Jack!” Carvey’s Biden said.
“The press is like, ‘But last time …’” Carvey said.
“Get your facts straight! I’ll beat the hell out of ya. Whatta ya, dog-face pony soldier … C’mon! Let’s do some push-ups!” Carvey’s Biden said.
Spade laughed hard throughout, and even a producer lost it, showing how accurate Carvey’s impression was at ridiculing Biden’s mental decline.
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