Kari Lake said unifying the Republican party goes both ways and criticized Nikki Haley for not endorsing Trump after dropping out of the presidential race.
Lake said Haley was attracting Democrats just to oppose Trump.
“She was attracting a lot of Democrats, and a lot of people were crossing over just to kind of poke a stick in the eye of President Trump,” Lake said.
She said Trump has tried to unify the party but Haley continued running with no chance.
Lake argued that while Trump is expected to unify, those losing to him should want to unify too.
“I remember I was there in Iowa when he won. He gave a great speech. He said he wants to bring the party together. And she’s just continued to run with no chance, and now I’m hearing she’s going to step aside today but still won’t endorse President Trump,” she said.
“You know, everyone is expecting President Trump to unify, unify, unify. Well, it’d be nice if the people who are losing to him would also want to unify,” she added.
Lake described Trump as forgiving and welcoming to those who endorsed him after criticizing him.
She said Haley should tone shows she wants to come together, solve problems, and be “America First” when announcing her departure.
“I know that President Trump is a forgiving person. I know him personally. He’s reached out — people who’ve said terrible things about him have come around and endorsed him. He welcomes back in with open arms, and I do — at the end of the day, Mike — want to welcome all Republicans back into this party, but this is the America First Republican Party,” Lake said.
“And for those people who want to come in and solve the problems of the American people, all American people, then I think we should welcome them back in with open arms. And I hope that Nikki Haley, when she announces that she’s stepping aside today, will do so with a tone that shows that she, too, wants to come together,” she said. “She, too, wants to solve the problems that the American people are facing. And she wants to come into the fold and be American First.”
However, Haley fell short of endorsing Trump, saying the burden is on him to earn votes from those who didn’t support him.
Trump invited Haley supporters to join his movement, saying Biden is destroying the country and they need to Make America Great Again.
“In all likelihood, Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee when our party convention meets in July. I congratulate him and wish him well,” Haley said. “I wish anyone well who would be America’s president.”
It is “up to Donald Trump to earn the votes of those in our party and beyond it who did not support it.”
“And I hope he does that,” she said.
I would “like to invite all of the Haley supporters to join the greatest movement in the history of our Nation,” Trump wrote.
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