Mark Wahlberg discussed how COVID has created disconnect between Americans and the importance of bringing people back together through faith and community events such as the Super Bowl.
He spoke about leaving LA for Vegas with his family and being excited about people reconnecting at the Super Bowl.
“We’re having fun, we’re connecting with people,” Wahlberg said. “We’re in Vegas, we’re bringing people together.”
“This is a time for people to reconnect with one another,” he added. “COVID has created such a disconnect; it’s time to bring people back together.”
“We just want to be able to do more, and I think, what better than to have Ash Wednesday fall on Valentine’s Day?” Wahlberg said.
Wahlberg advocated for the power of prayer to unite people through faith apps like Hallow, noting the significance of Ash Wednesday falling on Valentine’s Day as a time when people need bringing together through love of God.
“Because where do you get more love than with the Lord and… in a time where there’s such a disconnect?” he added. “We need things to bring people together and the power of prayer is doing that.”
As a devout Catholic in Hollywood, Wahlberg has maintained his faith is important to share while respecting others, and it has afforded him blessings and helped him become a better person by focusing on faith.
Wahlberg emphasized the role faith can play in overcoming division and creating togetherness.
“It’s a balance,” Wahlberg said. “I don’t wanna jam it down anybody’s throat, but I do not deny my faith. That’s an even bigger sin. You know, it’s not popular in my industry, but, you know, I cannot deny my faith. It’s important for me to share that with people.”
“But I have friends from all walks of life and all different types of faiths and religions, so you know, it’s important to respect and honor them as well,” he added.
“[I]t’s everything. It’s afforded me so many things,” he said of his faith. “God didn’t come to save the saints, He came to save the sinners … We want to be better versions of ourselves, and through focusing on my faith, it’s allowed me to do that.”
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