Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s recent hospitalization for prostate cancer, which he kept private from the commander in chief and colleagues, has sparked criticism among military members.
They see a double standard, as they were required to disclose their vaccination status and medical history or face consequences, while Austin’s lack of disclosure has seemingly led to no repercussions.
The issue has raised concerns about privacy, race, and leadership accountability within the military.
Considering Austin’s track record as SECDEF (Afg w/drawl, vax mandate, extremist witch hunt) & as a General (Syrian moderate rebels), he’s getting off easy if taking an unauthorized vacation is what he finally gets held accountable for.
Just zero out his pay & impeach him.
— Joe Kent for WA-3 (@joekent16jan19) January 8, 2024
“I was being treated for prostate cancer. The news shook me, and I know that it shakes so many others, especially in the Black community. It was a gut punch, and frankly, my first instinct was to keep it private. I don’t think it’s news that I’m a pretty private guy,” Austin said.
“But I’ve learned from this experience. Taking this kind of job means losing some of the privacy that most of us expect.”
“Cancer, period, is — is very private. Among the black community though, it’s — it’s even more a — a thing that — that people want to — want to keep private,” he said.
Some argue that Austin’s actions highlight a double standard and call for accountability, while others emphasize the broader impact of his policies on military readiness.
The situation has prompted calls for accountability and raised questions about the handling of the matter within the Pentagon.
“As a government servant in the direct line of Presidential succession, the American people deserve to know the severity of his diagnosis,” Air Force intelligence officer Jordan Karr said.
“If only service members could have enjoyed this same lack of scrutiny when choosing to not take an unapproved experimental shot that Secretary Austin illegally forced on us,” Nick Kupper said.
“Lloyd Austin’s recent unaccounted for absence is just one of many abject failures of his time serving as defense secretary for which our elected leaders must hold him to account,” Green Beret John Frankman said.
“Though I urge congressmen to hold him accountable for this, I encourage them to not lose sight of his other policies and failings which have had a more strategic impact and hurt our military’s readiness,” Frankman said.
“Considering Austin’s track record as SECDEF (Afg w/drawal, vax mandate, extremist witch hunt) & as a General (Syrian moderate rebels), he’s getting off easy if taking an unauthorized vacation is what he finally gets held accountable for,” retired Army Special Forces Chief Warrant Officer 3 Joe Kent said.
“Just zero out his pay & impeach him,” Kent said.
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