Attorney Roberta Kaplan revealed that former President Donald Trump angrily stormed out of a deposition at Mar-a-Lago after learning his legal team had agreed to provide her lunch.
Kaplan said, “And then you could kind of see the wheel spinning in his brain. You could really almost see it.”
She described Trump’s frustration and subsequent outburst during the deposition.
“And he said, ‘Well, you’re here in Mar-a-Lago. What do you think you’re going to do for lunch? Where are you going to get lunch?’” she continued.
“At which point there was a huge pile of documents, exhibits, sitting in front of him, and he took the pile and he just threw it across the table. And stormed out of the room,” recalled Kaplan.
“He really yelled at Alina for that. He was so mad at Alina,” added the attorney.
Kaplan said, “He came back in and he said, ‘Well, how’d you like the lunch?’ And I said, ‘Well, sir, I had a banana. You know, I can never really eat when I’m taking testimony.’ And he said, ‘Well, I told you,’ — it was kind of charming. He said, ‘I told you, I told them to make you really bad sandwiches, but they can’t help themselves here. We have the best sandwiches.’”
Kaplan shared a separate incident where Trump used a derogatory phrase directed at women.
“We come in the room and I say, ‘I’m done asking questions’ and immediately I hear from the other side, ‘Off the record. Off the record. Off the record.’ So they must have planned it. And he looks at me from across the table and he says, ‘See you next Tuesday,’” she recollected.
“You could tell it was like, it was like a kind of a joke again, like teenage boys would come up with. But again, I wasn’t in on the joke,” revealed Kaplan.
“I wasn’t in on the joke, so I had no idea. Then we get into the car and my colleagues are like, ‘Robbie, do you know what that means?’ And I’m like, ‘No, what are you talking about?’ They tell me and I’m like, oh my God, thank God I didn’t know because had I known, I for sure would have gotten angry. There’s no question I would have gotten angry,” Kaplan recalled.
“I spent my whole life devoted to the principle that we have a rule of law and we have a judicial system that works. And that’s what makes us a constitutional democracy, that’s — at least until recently — was to be admired worldwide. And it was starting, I mean, it is in times looking like that may not be true,” said Kaplan.
“This case validated that at least as of now, we still have all that,” she added.
Kaplan’s comments come after her recent victory in E. Jean Carroll’s defamation trial against Trump.
She considers this win a career-defining moment, emphasizing the importance of upholding the rule of law and the judicial system.
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