Tara Reade has filed a $10 million lawsuit against the FBI, alleging that the agency was weaponized to discredit her sexual assault allegations against President Joe Biden.
Her claim, known as “Operation Cassandra,” asserts that the FBI surveilled her, hacked her communications, and attempted to discredit her.
Reade also mentioned an attempted kidnapping and harassment, leading her to seek refuge in Russia.
“The United States should not have a two-tiered justice system,” Reade’s attorney Jonathan Levy stated.
“If President Trump and Mr. Giuliani can be assessed tens of millions in damages for their words; a weaponized FBI that seeks to silence, intimidate and eliminate Joe Biden’s victim, Tara Reade, must also be held accountable; failing to do so means our justice and legal system has become an instrument of political oppression and suppression,” Levy said.
Reade “was sexually victimized by then Senator Joseph Biden in 1993. Her case was suppressed by Congressional investigators to protect Senator Biden. When she spoke out again, she was subject to an ongoing FBI Operation detailed below to revictimize her a second time,” the lawsuit read.
The lawsuit accused the FBI of violating Reade’s Fourth Amendment rights, with the Department of Justice declining to comment on the matter.
“As a result of the actions carried out in furtherance of Operation Cassandra by the respondent FBI et al., Claimant has suffered severe emotional distress and anxiety, was subjected to death threats, was unlawfully surveilled and had her communications and financial records seized and recorded and was forced to apply for asylum to a third country in credible fear of her life and liberty,” the lawsuit added.
“Tara’s communications: phone, wireless, Internet, social media, email were surveilled as was her person and her daughter with who she maintained a close relationship. The active surveillance did not cease until Tara removed herself from the United States in Spring 2023 and her accounts continue to be monitored including communications with her lawyer and daughter,” the lawsuit read.
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