Former President Donald Trump is polling better than ever against President Joe Biden, with a 4.3 point lead in the RealClearPolitics national poll average.
This is the largest lead for a Republican candidate against a Democrat since 2004.
Trump’s lead is reflected in swing state polling as well, with significant leads in Arizona, Nevada, Michigan, North Carolina, and Georgia.
“Trump is +4.8 points in Arizona. Trump leads Biden by +5.4 points in Nevada. They are tied in Wisconsin. In Michigan, Trump is safely ahead by 5.3 points. Biden is only +0.6 in Pennsylvania. Trump is +9 in North Carolina and +6.6 in Georgia. Other than North Carolina, those are all states Trump lost (allegedly) in 2020,” one report noted.
Trump’s popularity is seen as a significant factor in the polling results, as he consistently outperforms other Republican candidates.