Carrie Underwood, residing in Nashville, recently celebrated her son’s fifth birthday with a hockey game on their frozen pond.
She and her family live on a Tennessee property called EH-OK Farm, where they keep cattle and horses.
Underwood cherishes her private life but occasionally shares moments as a proud mother.
Underwood wrote, “A special birthday for a special 5 year old!!! Our pond was frozen over in perfect condition for a night skate! What a treat!!! Happy birthday, Jake! I know you wouldn’t have wanted it any other way!”
“I love being onstage, but that’s different. That’s not Carrie. That’s Carrie Underwood. The rest of my life I feel like I’m incredibly disappointing to people. Like, if I run into someone at the grocery store, I really don’t know what to say because I don’t have a microphone in my hand or bling on. They expect me to be ‘Carrie Underwood,’ but I’m just Carrie. I’m sorry!” exclaimed the singer.
“I definitely feel like it’s changed me as a person,” admitted Underwood.
“I’m happier. I’m in a better mood a lot of the time. He’ll be watching cartoons and I’ll be watching him. I’m completely in love. I love it when he’s sleepy, and I get to hold him and smell him. He doesn’t know I’m staring at him and being all googly-eyed!” celebrated the singer.
“Sometimes I feel guilty that this is my son’s life. We live on a bus, and we’re in a hotel room. And sometimes we’re in the middle of nowhere, and it’s not so great. It’s not all glamorous. We have a nanny who helps out, especially when we’re on the road. But I’d feel guilty asking someone to watch him at home while I run to the grocery store,” she explained.
She expressed the challenges of balancing motherhood with her music career, often bringing her family on tour.
She aims to impress her sons more than anyone else and strives to shield them from the pressures of her celebrity status.
She previously wrote, “One of my favorite things about the #CryPrettyTour360 is having my family out on the road with me. I just hope I’m making my boys proud of their mama.”
Underwood has become more cautious about sharing her family on social media due to experiences with online bullying.
The singer said, “I feel like bullies have changed the way I react to the world.”
“You want to be connected to your fans, and I used to feel like I could go through social media and talk to people, really have that communication. But you get to a point where there are too many mean people saying mean things — probably just to get a reaction from you — and eventually I was like, ‘I don’t know if I can do this,’” explained Underwood.
“You have to have a barrier up, which is sad,” she lamented.
“There’s been like a whole grassroots initiative within their school and a bunch of parents getting together and discussing how we can keep our kids kind of away from technology,” shared Underwood.
“Especially like social media and stuff like that, as long as possible,” she concluded.
She advocates for limiting children’s exposure to technology and social media for as long as possible.
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