During a broadcast of FNC’s “Life, Liberty & Levin,” host Mark Levin discussed what he labeled as “slavery” at the U.S.-Mexico border, criticizing the lack of attention to the issue in mainstream media.
He highlighted the practice of slavery in the U.S. due to Biden administration policies, particularly regarding women and children being sold into sex slavery and human trafficking.
Levin accused the Democratic Party, Biden, and the media of promoting and ignoring this modern-day slavery, emphasizing the need for policy changes.
“Slavery: Well, Mark, how is slavery going to affect the election? I’m not talking about 160 years ago. I want you to think about this. Enough of the candy coating and enough of the propaganda by the media and the Democrats. Enough pointing fingers at comprehensive immigration reform and we need more money,” Levin said.
“Please, listen to me.”
“There are at least four places on the face of the Earth where slavery is practiced openly and supported: The continent of Africa, the Middle East region, Southeast Asia, and America — and you haven’t heard a damn thing about it from the Democrats, Biden on down. You haven’t heard a d— thing about it from The New York Times, Joy Reid, or the other bigots,” he said.
He also criticized the administration’s ideological views and its impact on the country.
“It is being practiced in the United States on our southern border as a result of the Biden administration policies. You see the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party defended and fought a war on behalf of slavery 160 years ago.”
“Today, Democratic Party policies led by Joe Biden and Democrats in the Congress, and their media supporters are promoting slavery on the southern border. They don’t even talk about it. They don’t send the reporters down there to do specials on it.”
“Where is ‘Frontline’ on PBS? Nowhere. Where are the women on ‘The View’ and their makeup artists and their hairdo artists? How come they don’t go down there and look at the slavery that’s taking place?” he pressed.
“The entire left, either covers it up, censors it, or supports it. That’s the conclusion you have to reach. Now, what am I talking about? I’m talking about women and children who are sold into sex slavery — it’s slavery.”
“And with an open border, it is happening at incredible rates and numbers and it is never discussed. Never.”
“Slavery: Little kids being sold into pornography and sex slavery, especially with the open border. It’s happening at an enormous amount. Nobody is calling it what it is. It’s slavery,” he said.
“People being brought into this country by coyotes working for drug cartels, they’re making billions of dollars, and when these people come into the United States, they are forced to pay remittances back to the coyotes for the drug cartels and others.”
“They are indentured servants. That is slavery. We have modern-day slavery going on in the United States of America, massively so as a direct result of Joe Biden and his policies. The Democratic Party that is running interference for them, and the media that’s either celebrating the open border or ignoring it,” Levin said.
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