Former President Donald Trump is facing legal challenges related to his actions post-election.
Despite his attempts to claim immunity, his past actions as a candidate rather than as president may undermine his defense.
“In most of those filings, his lawyers emphasized his role as a candidate to give him standing to bring suit. The harm that Trump alleged was being done was to him as a political office-seeker, not to him in his official capacity as president,” one report noted. (Trending: Joe Biden’s Approval Crashes To New Low)
“In tweets sent while those cases were proceeding (and the fundraising money was rolling in), Trump stressed that the race was still wide open. When his lawyer John Eastman filed an attempt to intervene in a long-shot case before the Supreme Court that December, he wrote that his client did so ‘in his personal capacity as a candidate for reelection to the office of President of the United States,'” the report added.
“The election was long over, I wasn’t campaigning, I was just doing my job,” Trump said.
Trump’s efforts to reverse his previous stance in court reveal his concern about the upcoming legal proceedings.
Despite his claims, it seems unlikely that the appeals court will rule in his favor.
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