Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was treated for prostate cancer through a surgical procedure, but he experienced complications afterward, leading to hospitalization and ongoing treatment.
The Pentagon initially described the surgery as “elective,” and Austin’s prognosis is reported to be excellent.
The statement emphasized the prevalence of prostate cancer among American men. (Trending: GOP Rep. Mace Clashes Directly With Hunter Biden At Hearing)
“Initial evaluation revealed a urinary tract infection. On January 2, the decision was made to transfer him to the ICU for close monitoring and a higher level of care,” a Pentagon statement read.
“Further evaluation revealed abdominal fluid collections impairing the function of his small intestines. This resulted in the back up of his intestinal contents which was treated by placing a tube through his nose to drain his stomach. The abdominal fluid collections were drained by non-surgical drain placement,” it added.
“He has progressed steadily throughout his stay. His infection has cleared. He continues to make progress and we anticipate a full recovery although this can be a slow process. During this stay, Secretary Austin never lost consciousness and never underwent general anesthesia,” it said.
“Prostate cancer is the most common cause of cancer among American men, and it impacts 1 in every 8 men — and 1 in every 6 African American men — during their lifetime,” the statement added.
“On the evening of January 1, Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III was admitted to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center for complications following a recent elective medical procedure. He is recovering well and is expecting to resume his full duties today. At all times, the Deputy Secretary of Defense was prepared to act for and exercise the powers of the Secretary, if required,” Pentagon Press Secretary Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder said.
The Defense Secretary’s hospitalization raised concerns as it was not initially disclosed to the public or key officials.
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