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Trump Issues Dire Warning Against Biden Presidency: ‘We’re Going To End Up In World War III’

via The Independent on Youtube
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At a campaign rally in Iowa, Donald Trump ridiculed President Joe Biden’s speaking abilities and warned of potential dire consequences if Biden were to be reelected in 2024.

Trump mocked Biden’s struggles with teleprompters and press conferences, expressing concern that a potential Biden reelection could lead to World War III and an economic downturn akin to the Great Depression of 1929.

“I could read that teleprompter all day long,” Trump said. (Trending: First Moon Mission In 50 Years Blasts Off)

“Biden can’t even read the teleprompter. The other day he’s giving a news conference — he hasn’t had one in about six years — he picks Bill from NBC.”

“So the guy asks him a very simple question about vanilla ice cream, but then asks him a question about the border. So [Biden] goes, ‘The border is very strong. It’s very normal, and things are going very well on the border.’ And then he walks into a wall,” Trump said.

“This is what we have as our president. We’re going to end up in World War III.”

“We’re going to end up in a depression like in 1929.”

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